Our online store is open 24/7.
You can visit our shop during the following hours. Please check our social pages for any updates or changes. Wed 9am-12pm, Thurs 4pm-7pm, Sat 9am-12pm.
Our business hours are Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm. (Sydney NSW timezone).
You can email anytime and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
- Visa or Mastercard (no AMEX sorry)
- Paypal
- Shop Pay
- Google Pay
- Apple Pay
- Afterpay
- Next Chapter Society Gift Voucher
- Store Credit (please note these are valid for 12 months from date of issue)
Once you are logged into your account you will be able to edit your email, mobile and shipping address.
Click the 'View Addresses' tab on the left side bar and use the 'edit' link to make changes.
You can add an entire new address for example if you use both a home and work address.
You also have the option to delete an entire address if you no longer use this address.
We know buying online can be tricky. That's why were are super proud to offer measurements on all products plus a detailed video of a model wearing the garment.
Please tap through the photos of each product for this information.
We cannot guarantee all products will be restocked however we take on board the demand for certain products and sizes.
If the size you are after is out of stock please use our 'back in stock' email notification feature on the selected product page to register your interest.
Please note by registering your email, you are not allocated the item when it is restocked but you will be notified as soon as the restock is live giving you the best chance at purchasing before the item sells out again.