The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the globe for a ride. Everyone has been impacted. The effects from 2020 lockdowns are starting to show a year on with only more impacts on the way with the recent lockdowns Australia wide.
With ample opportunities for reflection during these times of abnormality, many have taken the time to appreciate what and who you have in your life.
Majority of Aussies have a friend, colleague or family member who has been affected by Breast Cancer in one way or another! Or you may even be going through it yourself.
This October now more than ever, The National Breast Cancer Foundation are encouraging all women 50 - 70 to get their breast screened.
Your best bet at fighting Breast Cancer is early detection. With Aussies delaying screenings during this lockdown period, a crisis is emerging. Not only is it the build up of mammogram appointments but the likely risk that potential cancers have developed and diagnosed at a later more aggressive stage.
The National Breast Cancer Foundation Australia are reporting 98% of breast screens were cancelled.
Unfortunately, this delayed onset of breast screens will force the mortality rates to rise this year by an estimated 10%.
If you are between 50 and 70 or have Breast Cancer in your family, schedule your appointment today. 20 minutes out of your day every two years to increase your chances at survival of Breast Cancer isn't a lot to ask of yourself.
>> Fundraising, donating, making friends and family aware or getting yourself checked. What steps are you taking this Breast Cancer Awareness Month? <<