R U OK Day 2021

TODAY, we are asking YOU to make “R U OK?” a part of your everyday conversations with family, friends, work colleagues and neighbours.💛

Thursday 9th September 2021 is dedicated to not only starting - but CONTINUING conversations. Having this meaningful conversation can be tough but it could really brighten up their day knowing they feel supported, cared about and important to those around them on some of their loneliest days.💛

If your own answer to this question is NO, that is okay. There are so many organisations and people who want to help. Don’t feel ashamed, don’t feel embarrassed. Feel strong and take that step to feeling okay again.💛

Connect with these trusted professionals for support, they want to help you.💛

• @lifelineaustralia 13 11 14
• Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
• @beyondblueofficial 1300 224 636
• @kidshelplineau 1800 551 800
• @headspace_aus
• @saneaustralia 1800 187 263

Last night the kids and I baked some cupcakes for our neighbours and packaged them up with a little message to check in and to keep pushing through this tough time. We used the @ruokday cupcake patties to support this great cause.💛

Today we have dropped the packages on their doorsteps and hope it brightens up their day.💛

What can you do today to ask your friends and family “R U ‘really’ OK?". You may just be the person they need to kickstart their next chapter in life.

You can find our video snippet on our Instagram.


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